Monday, July 27, 2009

25 Years and Stuff to Share

Yesterday was my birthday. Yes, I know. Happy Birthday to me! The celebration still isn't over.

I was greeted at work by a nice large cookie cake sitting in my chair, compliments of Hollie, and then we headed to Wings for lunch (FREE lunch) so I could satisfy my fried dill pickle urge.

Tonight will be the small group outing, with dinner at Red Robin (hmmh! If you've seen the commercial, you got that. If not, I'm sorry.), then back to the house for the regular Monday Night Movie Night.

Tomorrow I'll meet my b-fry Kyle in Tuscaloosa for the final dinner birthday bash, which is a good note to end on because well, Kyle is the best.

I turned 26 on the 26th and I thought I'd wake up feeling different but I don't really. I'm still feeling the effects of the NYC hangover. I'm missing it in a bad way. I don't think I'd ever want to live there but I just had so much fun, saw so much, watched God work in big ways, and made a new friend. I actually miss it more than I thought I would.

And Central Park? I think I have a crush on you. You've been running through my mind since I left. You must be tired. (Ha. Coulnd't resist.)


25 was a good year for me. I would venture to say that I learned a whole lot in this one year and changed a whole lot too. I went through a quarter-life crisis and came out with more faith in my God than I thought was possible.

I've learned new lessons, made new friends, and reached an all-time low in my obsession with reality television. Yeah, Bachelorette and Big Brother. You heard me.

See, I've got this bucket list. I keep adding to it but this past year, the year o' 25, I knocked off several. And I'm pretty proud of it.

1. I saw Dave Matthews in concert. Memphis, August 2.
2. I went back to NYC. July.
3. I saw Wicked.
4. I got to go to Central Park.
5. I saw Ground Zero.
6. I saw the Red Sox play. (Although, this was a month before I turned 25, I'm still counting it.)
7. I went to the Brooklyn Tabernacle.
8. I went to the Museum of Natural History. (Although, I'm giving myself half a point because I didn't exactly see all of it.)
9. I went to the Georgia Aquarium.

I also had a few firsts this year too.

1. First country concert.
2. First time to lead "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" at a collegiate baseball game.
3. First solo in NYC.
4. First time to touch a Sting Ray and a shark. (See Georgia Aquarium).

I'm sure there are more but I can't think of them right now.

Here's to hoping I get to check more things off on my list this next year.


Finally, I have two videos and a blog post to share.


Presidential first pitch comparison.

Interesting video about LOST.

This performance on last week's So You Think You Can Dance had me straight up ugly crying on the couch.

And the judges' comments made it worse.

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