It really happened. I'm bored on a game day. This is ludicrous! So I got this from my friend Tracie's blog. She's crazy. Not crazy insane. Crazy funny.
The rules are self explanatory. Elaborate on the word(s) in bold lettering below.
Accent – I like to think that I really don't have a very Southern accent. Since I've been in Alabama, I'm starting to think I really don't. I have a somewhat muddled Southern accent I think because I've been around so many different people. I definitely don't say light and bright and night with the long "i" sound but I have been known to use "ain't" and "cain't" and "y'all". It's just nature. I have started using "you guys" a lot though. My volleyball team is really rubbing off on me. I've started saying a lot of things in a very Yankee way. It's somewhat troubling. fav accents... definitely the Australian accent. There's nothing hotter. Except maybe a Boston accent.
I Don't Drink - Wine. I really grosses me out. My dad gave me my first taste of wine and champagne at a distant cousin's wedding when I was sixteen just so I could get the trying out of my system and I wouldn't want to do it again. I think it worked. I'm not a fan. At all.
Chore I Hate – Hmmm...I don't really know if there is a chore that I absolutely hate. I just have to be in the mood to do it. I really hate washing dishes in my house since our house was built in the 1800s (ok...I exaggerate a bit but it's old) and has no dishwasher or disposal. But I really hte when I washed everyone's dishes and then they pile up and I have to wash them again because no one else washes them.
Pets – I've had five dogs in my life. First was Sandy, a basset hound/yellow lab mix. She was great but did when I was in third grade. We had a stray for about three weeks that I found in the gutter so I obviously named him "Gutter". We had to take him to the pound though because every night he would dig his way out of the backyard, knock over the garbage cans, and sleep by them. Then we got Cleo, a full-blooded basset, from the pet store in the mall. (That was back when they still sold dogs and cats a pet stores.) Then my friend Mark's sheep dog jumped our fence and got Cleo preggers and we ended up keeping Speck, the Sped dog. Yes, folks, that's Sped as in Special Ed. He really was. Well Cleo died at the end of my sophomore year of college from old age and then Speck died in like April or May of 2006. He was blind and had very bad hips. He had been a trooper through my parents' moving process and the year-long stay at the "condo from hell" in which he had to climb stairs to get to the common part of the house. My parents' room was on the bottom floor and that was also where the door to the backyard was. It was hell. Sweet Speck learned how to feel his blind way up and down the steps and then one spring morning my parents woke up and he was alive but he just couldn't manange to move. So they had to put him to sleep. Then once my parents got in the new house they got Randi, the most adorable blonde cocker spaniel you've ever seen. He's a mess but we love him. He's a year now I guess.
Essential Electronic – WOW. That's hard. I'd say TV because I'm pretty addicted to it. But I really would have to say my cell phone. I love texting. And I think that if I couldn't text I would die. Or at least have a pretty tough time. Actually, when we went to Honduras that was the first thing I though about. I couldn't text. I went through withdrawls. It was like I was in rehab for texting. It was too much.
Gold or silver – Silver. Most definitely. Gold doesn't look good against my skin.
Insomnia – Uh oh. I have these spurts of insomnia sometimes. My mind starts racing, thinking of random things, or problems, and it keeps me from going to sleep. Sometimes I have lists of things that I have to name off before I can go to sleep. But the best cure for insomnia for me is either to pray or turn on the light and read my bible or a book.
Job Title – Sports Informations Intern at Samford University. Hopefully, soon-to-be Sports Information Assistant Director #2.
My Most Admired Trait – Hmmm...I don't know. You'd have to ask other people. If I had to answer this question then I'd say my ability to encourage or to make a funny at just the right time or my beloved sarcasm.
Kids – I want whatever God wants to give me. Healthy or not. Boy or girl. One or 10. Because I know it's all for his glory. Whether it's easy or hard, God's not going to give me more than I can handle with his help. But I've always said I want three kids. Boy, boy, girl. Or boy, girl, girl. I want my little girl to have the big brother I never had.
Religion – I'm a Christian. Baptist if you want to be specific. I've gotten a whole new grasp on Christianity and baptistism and make disciples of all nations in the past year because of my church here in Birmingham. See we have this pastor; his name is David Platt. He's 28 and already has a college degree, a masters, and a doctorate, not to mention the many countries he's visited along the way, and him teaching at New Orleans Theological Seminary in his 20's. Something that rarely happens. This is his first church to pastor and it's a megachurch. We're talking over 4000 members and we are going to take over the world for God's glory. He has such a passion for showing God's glory in all nations, including our own and he's got a plan to accomplish it. He speaks the truth from the pulpit. He doesn't get up there and read a verse and then list a bunch of bullet points. He doesn't preach AT his congregation. He teaches the Word. If you ever want to hear a sermon, they are all on the website (in audio and video) along with the guide to fill out. Clich here to go to the website.
Siblings – One sister. Anna. There's not enough time to tell you all I would love to tell you. I'll just say she's the best sister ever. She's one of my heroes!
Time I wake up - I really have a specific time to wake up. I ususally wake up an hour before I have to be at work and that varies. I try to get to work by 8, 9 or 10 depending on what's going on that day and what happened the day before. So you do that math.
Unusual talent/skill – Hmmm...I can make my tongue into a bowl.
Vegetable I refuse to eat – Turnip Greens. I can't even stand the smell. Why would I want to eat something that I can't stand the smell of.
Worst habit – Popping my knuckles. My knuckles are going to be huge someday.
X-rays – Only dental x-rays. I've been very lucky.
My favorite meal – Boiled shrimp and crawship. Second favorite - Pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes or potato casserole, crunchy romaine
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