Happy Birthday to Benji (Ben) and Grant, also known as Batman and Robin. We call them Batman and Robin because they are such a dynamic duo when it comes to work and play. The cruise around of the marketing golf cart all the time like it's the Bat Mobile...so our associate AD for external ops lovingly pinned them with the title's Batman and Robin. (They are also known as Chrif and assistant chief...but that's a whole different story).
Tuesday was Ben's birthday and Grant's was today so we've had an awesome celebratory week of sweets in the office and office lunch outings all week long. (This is a picture of Grant, me and Ben...in that order...I took it for my internshiop final project. Notice Ben trying to be hardcore. No one cares that you graduate from the Citadel, Benji. Get over yourself!)

I stayed up until 12:30 in the a.m. Monday morning baking the best looking cupcakes ever to take the "Dynamic Duo" on Tuesday. Of course, the delay came because I was helping Kelly cook her graduation cupcakes for her intern Jermaine (who played football at Samford). The picture to the right is what Kelly's cupcakes looked like. I have no physical evidence of my cupcakes. However, I got raving reviews from the folks in the office about them.

Wednesday we decided to go the Mexican route. I think we all regretted that decided post-lunch.
But today, oh today, sweet Benji got his wish. Grant decided to go to Olive Garden today for lunch so we could all partake in the $5.95 Soup, Salad, and Breadsticks deal, which is very much worth the six bucks plus tip...in a good way.
Vaughan, Grant's wife, who also works in the office with us, picked up a cake from Savage's (THE best bakery in town) on the way to the OG. It was very fitting as you can tell in the picture below.
So here's to Grant and Ben...the best pair of guys that I could imagine sharing an office/corridor with. Who knows were I would be with out Ben's constant marriage proposals or the "Citadel" manners he's taught me, like calling him "Sir" and standing up when he walks in the room. Also I am a better person because of the wealth of not only Redskins knowledge (and the lovefest that he has with Joe Gibbs), but also general NFL knowledge. I know I can always turn to him for an answer.
Grant's been my source of useless Tennessee knowledge, like where a certain city or school is and what "real" city it's close too. He used to be a cop too, so I go to him for any law enforcement questions I have, especially which cop is better to get pulled over by and how I can get out of this ticket. Grant's the kind of guy you want in the car with you when you get pulled over by Homewood police or the kind of guy you want to drive 45 minutes out of the way to pick up a couch, only to find out when you get there that it hasn't come in like the told you it had when you called three times the day before. He's the only guy I know that would say, "Hey, it's cool...let's go get Sno Biz!" and then talk about how to market Sno Biz in Homewood during a 5K.
Yay for fun Samford friends!
"Holy Marketing Batman! What are we going to do for a promotion this week?!?!"
"Better call the unicycle kids!"
"Better call the unicycle kids!"

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