Thursday, May 24, 2007

Rosie Needs To Go-zee!

Rosie O'Donnell has completely lost it and to let it be known, I would not shed a tear if she absolutely fell off the face of the Earth a this very moment. I know God doesn't like me to say that about other people but after the stunts that she has pulled in the past few months, I think the world would be a better place without her. I truly pray for conviction in her heart, not conviction for the sins that she outwardly displays in her lifestyle, but for the way that she treats people on a day to day basis.

First "The Donald" Elizabeth, and Ms. O'Donnell wants to play the media victim in every situation. She announced yesterday on the view that's she's not going to argue with Elizabeth anymore because the media always spins it as "Big, fat, lesbian loud Rosie attacks poor, innocent, Christian Elizabeth". Sorry to speak the truth Rosie but no one is spinning anything in the news. They are exposing you for who you are.

Take a look:

I am an adamant believer in free speech but Rosie, you speak to people like they are in kindergarten and, whether you mean to or not, the tone in which you speak to people is attacking. You have brought all of this "bad publicity" and attention on yourself, beginning with your duel with Donald Trump. And I'm convinced that that is exactly the way you want it. You could have chosen the high road and "been a grown-up" and not retaliated to his comments, but making fun of him and speaking down on him stirred up a feud, and you brought it on yourself, whether you want to admit it or not.

Just because Elizabeth is the only level-headed Christian at that table everyday who appears to be innocent and easy to walk all over, doesn't mean you have to take advantage of that. Personally, I think she has shown in the past few months that she's not going to be a doormat for Rosie and Joy to wipe their feet on before they step up on their political soapboxes to talk out of their rear-ends. Many props to Elizabeth for keeping her cool and being professional while being a victim in all of this. If anyone is spinning things, it's Rosie. She takes every word that comes out of Elizabeth's mouth and turns it around. For instance, when Elizabeth said, "Our enemies in Iraq..." A sane person would have known that she was talking about the terrorist group Al Queda but Rosie had to turn it around as her saying that the country of Iraq is our enemy because the WHOLE country of Iraq attacked us. That is clearly not what she said.

I'm convinced that Rosie O'Donnell is completely and utterly paranoid. She feels that because she is in the "minority" as a lesbian, non-Christian, feminist that she always has to defend herself, even when a situation doesn't even concern her. This belief also obviously gives her the right to say whatever she wants to say with no consequences. Well, Rosie, your time for consequences will come. Two words: Judgment Day.

It's sad that in a day like this, in the world that we live in, a person can't express their Christian beliefs freely -- beliefs that this nation was founded upon and beliefs that give people like Rosie O'Donnell the right to speak freely -- without getting verbally, emotionally and politically attacked.

I may not agree with some of the things that Elizabeth says but I do stand by her in saying this: George Bush is our president. The nation elected him to that position. If you don't like it, you should have rallied around your favorite candidate in 2004 better when you had the chance. Why call for a president's impeachment eight months before the end of his term? It would take eight months for the monkeys in Washington, D.C., to make a decision anyway. It's going to do more harm to the country than there is now. No one is perfect. Not one. Not one person on "The View" panel, not one person in Washington, D.C., and not one person in this world. If you are looking for the perfect person to run this country, or if you are looking for a person to fun the country that is not going screw up once in a while, then you're not going to find one. You want a perfect leader? You want someone to come run this country that's not going mess up once in a while, Rosie? Grab a Bible, get to know Jesus Christ, and ask him to come reign over this country with his perfectness because he's the only perfect leader you're going to get. You want a perfect president? Wait until Jesus Christ comes back to claim his kingdom. You'll be wishing you voted for Him.

I agree that we've got to get out of Iraq soon before we have more dead bodies coming back to America than living soldiers. BUT...our nation was attacked. The lifeblood of our nation, our economy, was attacked and continues to be attacked and we CANNOT just sit back and look at the remains. Like "W" said this morning, we have to be on the offense. ALWAYS. We are the STRONGEST, most POWERFUL nation on this planet and if we curl up in a corner in the fetal position and surrender to the terrorists who are no more than Satan's pawns, we show the countries who depend on us for their well-being, countries in Africa whose food and medical supply come straight from the U.S. and Great Britain, that we are no better than they are and there is no point in depending on a nation that can't defend itself.

Whatever happened to the loveable Rosie who had her own show where she gave away endless amount of free gifts? The Rosie who was always happy, never had a bad word to say, and endlessly crushing on sweet "Tommy" Cruise? "Tommy, can ya hear me?" The Rosie who had "Tony Week" every year to pay homage to the Broadway community?

I can't wait for the day that Grossy Rosie leaves "The View" and I hope that Barbara Walters has learned her lesson. Ratings don't alway equal credibility. I used to want to be just like Barbara Walters. To me, she was one of the most powerful women in the world and the most amazing journalist this world has seen or will ever see again. But the moment she chose to replace Meredith with Rosie, was the moment she lost credibility in my eyes. No matter what the ratings say, since the appearance of Rosie O'Donnell on "The View", that show has crumbled to a point of disgrace and horror to where it would take a miracle to get it back to where it used to be.

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