Thursday, December 18, 2008

Please Watch This And Laugh

How funny is this little girl?!? It sort of reminds me of myself, about 20 years ago...okay, okay, like maybe last night...except I danced to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" and Elvis Presley's "Blue Suede Shoes". Oh, and people, I do a mean "Louisiana Saturday Night".

I hope I have a little girl one day that is this entertaining. That's 24/7 action, right there.

OMG, and I totally forgot to mention that hightlight of my day yesterday in the last two posts (yes, folks, today may be a blogging record for Katie).

So, I went home for lunch yesterday because frankly, Katie has passed her money limit for the month and can no longer spend any money. I got to my house, got out of the car, went to the mailbox and there it was! My FREE Dave Barnes Comedy DVD from Mocha Club! Thanks Annie and Mocha Club for the best present ever!

I didn't have time to sit down and watch it then, but last night as I was winding down from a night full of free babysitting, I slapped that sucker in the DVD player and hit play. And I laughed for a good solid half-hour. Dude is freakin' hilarious! I don't know if he was that funny when I knew him when I was younger, but then again, the last time I saw him before three years ago in all his fame, was when I was two. So what do I know.

I wish I could through a big party to watch it again with everyone I know, but it's not my house.

Then again, what the hey?

Bring it on.

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